Monday, September 30, 2019

Why Did the Gallipoli Campaign Fail?

The campaign ended in failure for several reasons. It was not the fault of the soldiers, but the men who where commanding them. For once there was a break down in our system. In brief, the campaign was a failure. It was a failure as we did not successfully push through the Turkish lines to Istanbul, and then on to attack the Germans on another front to help the Russians who were suffering heavy causualties at the time. So, heres why we retreated: * Second thoughts in Parliament: worth the casualties Supply lines were not working. Men did not get enough stuff * No one knew how to do an amphibious assault: we just rowed to shore * Lack of Leadership: General in charge changed, forces were not allowed to do anything without orders. When an order was given it would have to be carried out to the letter as it was from the British officers. No matter what. The orders were sometimes days old. * The Generals also had barely any knowledge of Turk tactics and the like.Their knowledge was very l imited, consisting of things like a 1912 manual of Turk tactics, a tourist guidebook and an outdated map. * No additional troops allowed: parliamentay decision * Royal Navy withdraws: No pressure on Turk capital, army artillery support gone * Turks had the high ground (really high ground) * No one prepared for modern warfare: just ran against a machine gun, men shooting with bolt action rifles and pistols * Terrain very difficult Naval mine-sweeps were poor. * A month's delay between the attacks in March and those in April†¦ it gace the Turkish/Ottoman troops plenty of time to prepare and fortify. Kitchener depended on the element of surprise, but because of this he only gained â€Å"Tactical† surprise; when and where he would strike, not â€Å"if† he would strike. Also, throw in the low morale of the troops due to the above factors, and also due to diseases such as dysentery and malaria

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Diagnosis of Adam Sandler “Reign over Me”

Reign Over Me Alex Chaput 0810758 The movie Reign Over Me is about a man named Charlie Fineman. Charlie used to be a practicing dentist. His whole life was turned upside down when he lost his wife and three daughters in the terrorist attacks on 9/11. One day while Charlie is on the street his old roommate from college, Allen Johnson, sees him and tries yelling for him, but Charlie does not stop. Allen then seems like he knows that something is wrong with Charlie and wants to help. In this movie it is clear to see that Charlie is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).This is what would go on Axis 1 of the multi-axial system. For this diagnosis he needs to have 6 or more symptoms from 3 different areas. These areas are re-experiencing, avoidance, and arousal. He has been suffering for over 1 month and is severely distressed and impaired. The traumatic event that Charlie was exposed to was his family dying in the plane crash of 9/11. This event has left him extremely help less and he has times of horror when he thinks about what has happened. While going about his daily life he acts as if he doesn’t remember any of the tragedy that occurred.This would be one of the avoidance symptoms. Another of these symptoms would be that he avoids his late wife’s parents as they remind him of his family. The third would be his loss of interest in activities. He used to be a practicing dentist, but now lives off of money from the government. At all times in this movie Charlie has his headphones in order to drown out any thought or mention of his family. Charlie has a breakdown at one point in the movie. It seems as if he has a flashback of his family in his house. These thoughts and memories are recurrent and intrusive which applies to his re-experiencing symptoms.Another of these is when he shows very intense distress in his court appearance when showed pictures of his family. He then has to be escorted from the courtroom. For his persistent symptoms of increased arousal he seems to have sleep problems as he stays up late into the night playing video games. He also is constantly irritable and has outbursts of anger. He refuses to get help and will not talk about his feelings or his family with anyone. This leads to what seems like him considering attempting suicide. He however then takes a gun out into the city. He gets into a standoff with a cop and it seems like he wants the cop to kill him.For axes 2 and 3 I didn’t think that Charlie would have anything. He didn’t seem to have a personality disorder, mental retardation, or any medical conditions. There were many psychosocial and environmental factors that Charlie faced for axis 4. One of these environmental factors would be that he still lives in the house that he lived in with his family. This is what caused the flashback of his family. Another factor is the loss of his career. He used to be a successful practicing dentist. He now has no career and lives off o f settlement money and money from the government. He has very little social interaction.He doesn’t confide any of his feelings in friends. All of these things cause distress and impairment in Charlie’s life. On axis 5 I would give Charlie a GAF score of 22. His life is not functional. He cannot control his emotions when memories and thoughts of his family come up. He seems to be a very dirty individual who doesn’t care about what he looks like. He says that he often sees his family’s faces in other people on the street. His life is dangerous to him as well as those around him. Charlie’s PTSD stems from a very specific, very obvious, event. This event is the loss of his family.He never received any treatment for his problem which did not help. If he had gone to see a grief counselor maybe the PTSD could have been avoided completely. Some more of the etiology factors for his PTSD would be that he had very low levels of social support. He did not have many friends and he lost his entire family. To treat Charlie’s PTSD he could have been prescribed an SSRI. He could have also used prolonged exposure treatment with relaxation training, cognitive restructuring to correct negative assumptions about the trauma, or he could have been trained to develop better coping skills.In the movie he was receiving some treatment. He was seeing the therapist that Allen had suggested. He quickly would end the sessions as he was uncomfortable talking to her about his past. The end of the movie seemed very abrupt to me. Charlie seems to be doing better, but it is unclear what will happen to him. He has moved out of his old apartment and into a different one. He also has started to communicate slightly more with other people. He also told the story about his family’s death to Allen. It is possible that his life could improve, but I’m not sure if his life could ever be as fulfilling as it was before the event. Diagnosis of Adam Sandler â€Å"Reign over Me† Reign Over Me Alex Chaput 0810758 The movie Reign Over Me is about a man named Charlie Fineman. Charlie used to be a practicing dentist. His whole life was turned upside down when he lost his wife and three daughters in the terrorist attacks on 9/11. One day while Charlie is on the street his old roommate from college, Allen Johnson, sees him and tries yelling for him, but Charlie does not stop. Allen then seems like he knows that something is wrong with Charlie and wants to help. In this movie it is clear to see that Charlie is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).This is what would go on Axis 1 of the multi-axial system. For this diagnosis he needs to have 6 or more symptoms from 3 different areas. These areas are re-experiencing, avoidance, and arousal. He has been suffering for over 1 month and is severely distressed and impaired. The traumatic event that Charlie was exposed to was his family dying in the plane crash of 9/11. This event has left him extremely help less and he has times of horror when he thinks about what has happened. While going about his daily life he acts as if he doesn’t remember any of the tragedy that occurred.This would be one of the avoidance symptoms. Another of these symptoms would be that he avoids his late wife’s parents as they remind him of his family. The third would be his loss of interest in activities. He used to be a practicing dentist, but now lives off of money from the government. At all times in this movie Charlie has his headphones in order to drown out any thought or mention of his family. Charlie has a breakdown at one point in the movie. It seems as if he has a flashback of his family in his house. These thoughts and memories are recurrent and intrusive which applies to his re-experiencing symptoms.Another of these is when he shows very intense distress in his court appearance when showed pictures of his family. He then has to be escorted from the courtroom. For his persistent symptoms of increased arousal he seems to have sleep problems as he stays up late into the night playing video games. He also is constantly irritable and has outbursts of anger. He refuses to get help and will not talk about his feelings or his family with anyone. This leads to what seems like him considering attempting suicide. He however then takes a gun out into the city. He gets into a standoff with a cop and it seems like he wants the cop to kill him.For axes 2 and 3 I didn’t think that Charlie would have anything. He didn’t seem to have a personality disorder, mental retardation, or any medical conditions. There were many psychosocial and environmental factors that Charlie faced for axis 4. One of these environmental factors would be that he still lives in the house that he lived in with his family. This is what caused the flashback of his family. Another factor is the loss of his career. He used to be a successful practicing dentist. He now has no career and lives off o f settlement money and money from the government. He has very little social interaction.He doesn’t confide any of his feelings in friends. All of these things cause distress and impairment in Charlie’s life. On axis 5 I would give Charlie a GAF score of 22. His life is not functional. He cannot control his emotions when memories and thoughts of his family come up. He seems to be a very dirty individual who doesn’t care about what he looks like. He says that he often sees his family’s faces in other people on the street. His life is dangerous to him as well as those around him. Charlie’s PTSD stems from a very specific, very obvious, event. This event is the loss of his family.He never received any treatment for his problem which did not help. If he had gone to see a grief counselor maybe the PTSD could have been avoided completely. Some more of the etiology factors for his PTSD would be that he had very low levels of social support. He did not have many friends and he lost his entire family. To treat Charlie’s PTSD he could have been prescribed an SSRI. He could have also used prolonged exposure treatment with relaxation training, cognitive restructuring to correct negative assumptions about the trauma, or he could have been trained to develop better coping skills.In the movie he was receiving some treatment. He was seeing the therapist that Allen had suggested. He quickly would end the sessions as he was uncomfortable talking to her about his past. The end of the movie seemed very abrupt to me. Charlie seems to be doing better, but it is unclear what will happen to him. He has moved out of his old apartment and into a different one. He also has started to communicate slightly more with other people. He also told the story about his family’s death to Allen. It is possible that his life could improve, but I’m not sure if his life could ever be as fulfilling as it was before the event.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How Successfully The Dramatic Device of Disguise is used in ”As You Like It”? Essay

In ‘As You Like It’, the dramatic device of disguise is very important, because of the dramatic opportunities it presents. Shakespeare opens two opportunities: the characters can say what they would otherwise be unable to say, and hear what they would otherwise be unable to hear. The main character who uses disguise is Rosalind, although Celia does too, to a lesser extent. We first see these two characters in Act I Scene 2. In this scene, we find out background information of the characters, for example that Rosalind’s father, the Duke, was banished. We also see Orlando and Rosalind fall in love, after they meet for the first time at the wrestling match in the gardens of the palace. Rosalind gives Orlando her necklace, giving him a sign that she has fallen in love with him. Rosalind: Wear this for me, Rosalind: Sir, you have wrestled well, and overthrown More than your enemies. Orlando also admits to himself that he has fallen in love with her, but gives no indication of such to Rosalind, as he remained silent. Orlando: What passion hangs these weights upon my tongue? I cannot speak to her, yet she urg’d conference. O poor Orlando, thou art overthrown! In Act I Scene 3, Rosalind admits to Celia how much she loves Orlando, and that she is not merely ‘playing’ at falling in love, as they had discussed in the precious scene. Celia’s father, the Duke, then interrupts them, to banish Rosalind. The reasons for his actions are that the people pity Rosalind, because she has lost her father. Also, they admire her â€Å"silence and patience.† So, under the pretence that Rosalind is a traitor, he banishes her, to make Celia â€Å"show more bright and seem more virtuous when she is gone.† However, Celia objects to this, as she loves Rosalind dearly. So, she decides to join Rosalind in her banishment, and that they will go to the forest of Arden, to search for her uncle, Rosalind’s father. They decide to take Touchstone with them, for safety and company. In those times, it was dangerous to travel, especially for rich women. The women realise this, and like Rosalind says â€Å"beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold†. So, Rosalind decides to disguise herself as a male because she is â€Å"more than common tall†. She decides to call herself Ganymede. Ganymede was a Trojan boy, with whom Jove fell in love with, appointed him cupbearer of the Gods, and became immortal. This name is very appropriate since Ganymede was an effeminate boy, while Rosalind would be a woman dressed as a male. Celia decides to disguise herself as a shepherdess, called Aliena, meaning ‘the stranger.’ This name is also appropriate, as it is representative of the way she will act in the country compared to at court; she will not be used to it. The two names are taken from the book â€Å"Rosalynde†, written in 1590 by Thomas Lodge. This could be intentional, or coincidental. We first see Rosalind in disguise in Act II Scene 4, when she realises that now she is disguised as a man, she has to inherit male qualities and act â€Å"courageous to petticoat†. In this scene, Shakespeare explores the male and female side of Rosalind for the first time. In appearance, she is masculine, able to take responsibility for â€Å"the weaker vessel†. However, inside she is feminine, and needy of the support she gives to Celia. Touchstone also mentions that â€Å"when I was at home, I was in a better place† stimulating thoughts about the divide between the rich and the poor of Shakespeare’s time. In ‘As You Like It’, Shakespeare compares the two societies of that time- the rich and the poor. There wasn’t usually a middleclass. In the life at court, ladies did not work for their living. They usually grew up, and were married at a fairly young age, until they died. However, poor women usually had to help at the house, by cooking, cleaning, etc. and were also usually married off as soon as possible. Further on in the play, in Act III Scene 2 Touchstone also debates the merits of the two different lives with Corin, a shepherd. As we know, Celia and Rosalind come from an upper class, rich, royal families, but have to pretend to be poor, working class people when they go to the forest of Arden. Undoubtedly, they would have made mistakes occasionally, showing their true heritage. This would probably seem comical to the audience, because they found it unusual for the two backgrounds to mix. For example, in Act III Scene 2, when Orlando is speaking with Rosalind, he mentions that ‘her accent is something finer than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling.† Fortunately for her, Rosalind quickly thinks of an excuse, â€Å"an old religious uncle of mine taught me to speak†, which Orlando believes. In this act, the weary travellers purchase a cottage and a flock of sheep from Corin. This quick financial exchange might seem humorous to the audience, as it is very unrealistic and theatrical. The audience can also see that strangers, for example Corin, are fooled by Rosalind’s disguise In Act III Scene Two, Celia teases Rosalind, who wants to find out who wrote the poems about her, and nailed them to trees. She reminds Celia that she is a woman, although she is â€Å"caparisoned like a man†. This might also be a reminder to the audience that Ganymede is female. Finally, when Celia admits that she knows the poet is Orlando, Rosalind, dressed as Ganymede, is distressed. She is distressed because she knows she won’t be able to let him woo her if he thinks she is a man, Ganymede, instead of his love, Rosalind. Rosalind: Alas the day! what shall I do with my doublet and hose? However, she then realises that in a man’s attire, she is able to â€Å"speak to him (Orlando) like a saucy lackey†, which she then does for the rest of the play. She teases him about his love, and says he does not look like â€Å"a man in love.† Throughout this scene, Rosalind’s motive to disguise herself as a man has now changed from practical reasons to personal ones; to find out how much Orlando loves her, and perhaps to educate him, on how to love her. For example, in Act IV Scene 1, when Orlando is an hour late for their meeting, she shows that if he would have done that to Rosalind, â€Å"Cupid hath clapped him o’ the shoulder.† Through her disguise, which she uses to her full advantage, she playfully suggests to him that she will pretend to be Rosalind so he can woo her. This Orlando feels able to do, so he can say what he wanted to say when they first met, in Act I Scene 2, and she can hear what she never expected to hear, because they are not bound by social expectations, as Orlando does not know Ganymede is Rosalind. Their relationship stays fun and lively, because he can be open and honest, and express his emotions, and she can willingly accept his proposals, for example in Act IV Scene 1: Rosalind: But come, now I will be your Rosalind in a more coming-on disposition; and ask me what you will, I will grant it. Orlando: Then love me, Rosalind. Rosalind: Yes, faith, I will, Fridays and Saturdays and all. In the play Shakespeare questions the rigid rules of society’s wooing of that time, since he wrote the play with the idea of a traditional romance; (an archetype) a boy meets a girl, they fall in love, and marry happily ever after after overcoming several obstacles and misunderstandings. However, Shakespeare was forward thinking of his time, letting Rosalind orchestrate the wooing, which was very unconventional. As we can see from Act III Scene 4, Rosalind is a very strong and intelligent character, as she has tricked Orlando into wooing her, even though she is dressed as a man. She is also very witty, a characteristic she only feels able to express properly when she is disguised. She is perhaps the wittiest person in the play, apart from Touchstone, who is a professional comedian, after having been a fool or jester at the court for many years. In Shakespeare’s time, royal men at court showed their wittiness by putting down a fool. He is someone we call a ‘stooge’ nowadays. However, Touchstone’s jokes and puns are less friendly than Rosalind’s, who’s aim is simply to tease or humour people, and not make fun of them, like Touchstone does. Today, Rosalind’s role is a sought-after part, since it is one of Shakespeare’s only good main female characters. The reason for this is that the roles of his time were pre-dominantly male, as there were no female actresses then, and men had to act female parts, which would not have been desirable. This adds humour to the play, from the audience’s perspective, because the players with female roles, e.g. Celia and Rosalind, were young adolescent males. So, Ganymede was a teenage boy, acting a female (Rosalind), dressed up as a man. A particularly humorous moment is when Orlando attempts to kiss Ganymede, for two reasons. One is that the player acting Orlando is attempting to kiss his true love, Rosalind, even though he doesn’t know this. But, from the audience’s point of view, this is also funny since the actor Orlando is attempting to kiss another man. Even now, cross-dressing is found humorous, explaining why people watch cabarets and pantomimes. Further on in the play, in Act III Scene 4, we see Rosalind and Celia alone together. Alone with Celia, Rosalind does not pretend to act masculine, instead she talks about her love to Orlando in a feminine way, and Celia teases her. Rosalind: Never talk to me: I will weep. Celia: Do, I prithee; but yet have the grace to consider that tears do not become a man. Then, Corin comes in, and invites them to see Phebe and Silvius together. They do so gladly, and Rosalind takes another opportunity to use her disguise to her full advantage: she insults Phebe, somewhat cruelly. â€Å"What thought you have no beauty- As by my faith, I see no more in you Than without candle may go dark to bed† However, this has an adverse effect, since Phebe falls head over heels in love with Ganymede, who in fact is Rosalind. This is another way Shakespeare has brought comedy to the play using the dramatic device of disguise, for Rosalind is, like she says, â€Å"unable to return the love.† From this we also see that Shakespeare did not think about relationships of the same sex, presumably because that would be too forward of his time. Also, it was illegal to demonstrate homosexual relationships; Oscar Wilde was put in jail, 200 years later for his gay relationships. Using the dramatic device of disguise, Shakespeare also uses Rosalind to expose the shallowness and absurdity of conventional modes of wooing, in Act 4 Scene 1. This is when Ganymede mocks Orlando, which was very unconventional of that time, since normal women did not act like that; they were supposed to be very gentle, docile, etc. However, in Act IV Scene 3, Shakespeare does make Rosalind seem more feminine again, since Ganymede faints, after hearing Orlando was hurt. Fainting was not seen as a manly tribute, which nearly gives away to Oliver than Ganymede is a woman. â€Å"You lack a man’s heart.† When Ganymede awakens again, Rosalind admits that she is tired of disguising herself, and hiding her feelings, â€Å"I would I were at home.† This is not the only time Rosalind makes the mistake of showing her female characteristics. In Act III Scene 2, Rosalind nearly gives away that she is female while Corin is there because Touchstone makes up an offensive poem about Rosalind and she reacts to it vehemently. Rosalind: Let no face be kept in mind, But the fair of Rosalind. Touchstone: †¦it is the right butter-woman’s rank to market. Rosalind: Out, fool! We must not forget that other characters than Rosalind use disguise; Touchstone also disguises himself. He does not disguise himself physically, but he disguises his true intentions of marriage with Audrey: sex. Touchstone is a very humorous character in the play, often joking or making puns. He is probably used by Shakespeare to contrast the different types of love and marriage: Touchstone is marrying Audrey for sex, and Audrey is marrying him so she can become a respected woman. This contrasts against Orlando and Rosalind’s relationship, that was love at first sight, the like as Oliver and Celia. In this scene, we also see that Celia uses disguise. Originally her motive to disguise herself was for protection. However, she uses her disguise as a helpless weak maiden to get food and shelter, in Act II Scene 4. Also, in Act IV Scene 3, she does not tell Oliver who she really is. If she had told him she was the Duke’s daughter, he might not have fallen in love with her, or pushed his feelings aside to bring her back to the court. However, she keeps her disguise until the very end of the play, when all the couples get married. Finally, in the end of the play, Rosalind brings all the couples together to be married, in a triumphant denouement. In the epilogue, she also adds humour through disguise, although she is no longer acting the part of Ganymede. The epilogue is humorous, since she says â€Å"If I were a woman,† which reminds the audience that she is in fact a cross-dressing man, or would have been when it was first performed. Nowadays that is not true, and it is one of the only lines written by Shakespeare that does not transcend time. This is because Rosalind is now played by an actress, as acting is a very reputable profession. However, in 1599, the year the play was written, women were not allowed to become actresses. This inspires thoughts about the way women were and are treated, and how society has changed through time. In Shakespeare’s time, women were supposed to be gentle, subservient, passive, etc. They were expected to marry, bear children, and raise them. They were constrained by society’s rigid rules, especially women at court, like Celia and Rosalind, and had little freedom. Men had much more freedom, and could show their wit, intelligence and humour when they liked. However, it was seen as unfit for females to do the same. Even today, in modern countries in the western world, the two sexes are treated differently, but less so than in other countries such as Islamic ones. Women have more rights nowadays, and laws to protect those rights than in the 1600’s. I think that Shakespeare has used the device of disguise very successfully, since he has not only added humour to the written play, but also through cross-dressing added humour. I think that I would have thought this play funny if I had the same sense of humour as people did then, and understood more of the puns and subtle jokes, that are typical of the Elizabethan times but are not found comical now.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Environmental Interest Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental Interest Groups - Essay Example An individual can become the volunteer of NWF at free cost by making online registration under â€Å"Volunteer† option in organization’s website. The NWF offers its members a flexible benefit package that contains variety of options; and this package allows the members or employees to customize the benefits in accordance with their individual/family needs. The NWF unites broad spectrum of people who maintain great concern on the sustainability of wildlife; and this group generally includes ‘wildlife gardeners, bird watchers, nature lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, and others’ (Siemann, 2009). Global warming is one of the potential current topics to NWF. In addition, human interference with nature is another current challenge that the organization takes into account. Unfair human interaction leads to a series of threats to wildlife conservation, air quality, and water resources. Sale of NWF’s Nature Education Merchandise constitutes one of the main revenu e sources of the organization. Donations from members, organizations, and other persons are other sources of income for National Wildlife Federation. For instance, the Mobile Giving Foundation is assisting NWF by raising funds for the Gulf oil spill.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Trifles vs Ajury of her peers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Trifles vs Ajury of her peers - Essay Example â€Å"A Jury and Her Peers† on the other hand gives a lot of focus on the characters in the story compared to the objects. It has focused greatly focuses on Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hales character( Gainor, 243 ). The story gives a lot of description that gives the reader deeper access into the minds of the character which would be hard to get by just watching the characters on stage. As such, the readers are able to focus more on the characters in the short stories and not object like in the play. Despite the fact that the male characters have been given less focus in the play and the story, we can see that the story gives greater depth in developing the male characters. This could be attributed to the narrative nature of a story where Susan describes the character in the short story in greater details opening the imagination of the reader (Gainor, 238). The reader also gets to know more about the male characters by reading the short stories compared to watching them act on stage in the

Counselling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Counselling - Essay Example This approach is not a formal exalted theory, but as the name says, a different approach that has proved to be useful and more effective. It honours the need to talk, communicate and understand self of the individual in need of therapy and stands on the basis that individual's need is more important than that of the counsellor, because counsellor, after all, is a mere supporter, or a prop up, and not the main hero of the drama. It establishes the human trust in basic values, principles and desire to improve in harmony with the rest of the world. "Rogers is holistic in his thinking, tending to look at the complete organism in order to understand and explain behaviour. He believes that humans are innately good and that they are growth orientated. Phenomenological understands individual perception of reality. Determinism, cause and effect relationships in having freedom, the organism has an actualising tendency" This approach depends on the assumption that given the proper circumstances and understanding, a person is capable of finding solutions for his inner problems and nothing could be a longer lasting cure. The main theory under which the Person centred counselling works is that the patient is fully capable of handling his problems and monitoring his future growth. It believes that the main authority here is not the psychologist, but the patient himself and counselling goes on according to the patient's observations about himself. It believes that all people might not have had a highly favourable condition to develop, grow and manage their lives and might feel stifled, or might have developed a very difficult, punishing self identity that might not be easy to maintain at all times and under all circumstances. When personal experiences are not conducive with the self identity of the person, psychological problems occur because the individual is unable to cope with the experiences and sti ll maintain the personal identity to which he has become accustomed to, or of which he had a certain self confidence and pride. The self-concept of the person clashes with the experiences he is going through and this might make the self-worth plummet down in his opinion and acceptance might become difficult. His judgement of his self-worth gets shaken because he cannot feel comfortable with it any more, as its fundamental base has not been firm recently. Explaining his Theory of Personality, Carl Rogers says: "In endeavouring to order our perceptions of the individual as he appears in therapy, a theory of the development of personality, and of the dynamics of behaviour, has been constructed," (Kirschenbaum and Henderson, 1990. p.244). The essence of person centred counselling is the meeting and understanding between counsellor and his patient. Undoubtedly, it is very hard to establish a complete and unquestionable understanding and this is considered to be one of the most difficult types of counselling, but with perhaps the best results. It forces the counsellor to be authentic, supportive, empathic and mainly non-judgemental. It has three core conditions that would contribute a lot to the therapeutic change: 1. Unconditional positive regard. 2. Empathic Understanding. 3. Congruence. With

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

ENGLISH NEED ASAP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ENGLISH NEED ASAP - Essay Example The way Capote places the murder facts in order, and the way he manipulates with the starting and ending of the novel, is what makes this novel unique. Suspense is there, as Capote has made the opening of the novel very interesting by hiding the reasons Perry and Dick were driving to Holcomb, Kansas. Capote shows Floyd Wells, in the Kansas State Penitentiary, listening to the radio news about the Clutter murders. The reader finds it exciting that Floyd was shocked to hear the news because he had been acquainted with the Clutters for many years. The bodies had been discovered by one of Nancy’s friends who went to the Clutters’ house to check why they had not yet got prepared for church. She had found an eerie silence inside the house, and had shockingly discovered the four bodies in different parts of the house. Capote has told the reader about the Clutters’ death before depicting the actual scene, which increases the reader’s interest. This is how Capote h as colored the opening with a sense of impending doom. Prompt 2 Throughout the novel, Truman talks about the backgrounds of different characters, especially the victims, and the murderers, Perry Smith and Dick Hickock. Capote has described the life summaries of the criminals, to let the readers know about the bad times they had been through. Although the reader feels a little sympathetic toward them, but that does not justify their morose deed of taking other people’s lives (Capote 77–91). Perry is shown to have had a miserable life, with his siblings, without parental care. Dick was a mental patient. When they were caught, and were shown the evidence of the case, the reader feels some sympathy for Perry, who wanted to take the responsibility of all four murders when actually Dick had killed two of them, but Perry wanted so because according to him, he was sorry for Dick’s mother. According to him, â€Å"I didn’t realize what I’d done till I heard the sound. Like somebody drowning. Screaming under the water† (Capote 244). Perry changes his confession to take responsibility for Dick’s murders too. This means, by one way or another, that criminals are also human beings, who feel for each other, especially of their own kind. They also possess a feeling of sympathy and sacrifice, though they cannot be supported in any way. Moreover, both Dick and Perry were patients of mental illness. This makes the readers think as to whether the same laws of punishment should have applied to them, or they should have been given some relaxation. Prompt 3 The protagonist is a character that rules the story, and whose character develops throughout the novel without regard to whether his character was based on good or evil. This definition goes against human conception of a protagonist being a good person always. However, the realistic realm of life has it that evil persons dominate the good ones, no matter their ending is doomed. Bas ed on this fact, this novel also highlights the characters of Perry Smith and Dick Hickock, who are actually the murderers of the Clutter family. We read Capote talking about and highlighting their course of actions throughout the novel, right from the beginning till the end. The reader can easily understand that Perry and Dick are the protagonists of Capote’s novel. The reader reads that Dick and Perry had tried to steal a car but had failed. Finally, they succeeded in stealing a car, and went to the Kansas City. They

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Children's Reading Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Children's Reading Behavior - Essay Example Some of these things are discussed here. Certain characteristics of a good reader are also identified. The role of a teacher is more important in teaching a child any language skill than that of a parent. Hence some guidelines of how to become a good teacher are also mentioned. The main idea is to inculcate a good reading habit in our younger generation which will help them in future. Reading is one of the basic skills that children must acquire at an early age. Not being able to read in present times is a great handicap. Some children are natural readers and have the ability to start reading at the early age of 3, whereas others need a push. Natural readers are not to be confused as born readers. They do not just wake up one morning and start reading. They go through a developmental process in which parents and teachers play a vital role. Children of this age are given a favorable environment in which they are encouraged to participate in educational activities such as reading. A teacher is specially trained to help guide the children in learning to like reading whereas a home environment cannot always do this. A colorful classroom, vocabulary and letter charts on the wall, objects beginning with the same letter placed together, and more similar settings will surely encourage a child to learn more eagerly. This environment is difficult to provide at home. Nursery student's specially enjoys reading nursery rhymes. ... assroom, vocabulary and letter charts on the wall, objects beginning with the same letter placed together, and more similar settings will surely encourage a child to learn more eagerly. This environment is difficult to provide at home. Nursery student's specially enjoys reading nursery rhymes. I believe that is because they have a certain tune which is easy for the young minds to memorize and the lyrics also make up an interesting tale about a character that appeals to them .It has been seen from experience that reading rhymes to this age group is one of the best ways to promote reading habits. Children will love to pick up a nursery rhyme book for reading. Parents can contribute to this easily since the rhymes being taught at school re still the same ones that were taught in their times and I am sure parents still remember them I sure do! Children of this age enjoy being read to. It has been my personal experience that at the story telling time when children gather around the teacher to listen to a story being told, they are most focused. They love to make guesses about what is going to happen next. I think that is the correct time to encourage a child to read further by himself in order to find out how the story progresses. Moreover, I believe that phonics has also made reading easier and interesting. Previously, when this practice wasn't followed, a child had to be told repeatedly and also had to memorize which letter made which sound. Phonics has made that simple. Now it is easy for a child to associate a sound with a letter thus making it comparatively simpler to form words and read them. Some children also enjoy reading at this age as they are provided encouragement from home. Parents who read aloud to their children for at least 30 mins a day are more likely to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Project work, Quantitative methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project work, Quantitative methods - Assignment Example In fact this is the standard mathematical treatment, especially for mathematical software that does not have input filtering capacity. As the code is presented, users can extend it to suit their individual needs (Wright 2007). 3) Yes. From the values on confidence intervals obtained in section (3) regarding the proportion of subscribers with home broadband, 62% of the respondents answered in the affirmative. At least 57% of all the subscribers have home broadband, and it could be as high as 67%. These are favorable statistics for the venture. Yes. To make the conclusion we refer to the confidence intervals gotten from section (3). The percentage of subscribers who have children, who would in turn require the educational software is 53.4%, with a lower confidence value of 48.6% and an upper limit of 58.2%. this is approximately at least half of the number of subscribers, a favorable percentage. Proportion of men among the subscribers is: 229/410 = 55.85%. The ratio of men to women among the subscribers is 56: 44, which would suggest a fair distribution of articles relating to each gender group. The average age is 30.11 according to the sample, a value that could fall lower to 29.72 years, and a high of 30.5 years for the entire population. This shows that the majority of the subscribers are in the youth

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Application of Study Loans Essay Example for Free

The Application of Study Loans Essay The chart shown that as increasing for study loan among students. The years of applications for study loans is from 2004 until 2008. This chart is too closely related between the applications for study loans and the reason for applying for study loans. The applications for study loans are including male and female students. There are many reasons for students who wants to applying for study loans. Firstly, the comparison year from 2007 till 2008. It is show that were increase. This is because students wants to be independent if they get the loans. They think that they will not pester parents for wanting to be independent in the pursuit of our own future without make life difficult for anyone. The same time, the money they get, can be used with thrifty. Secondly, the year difference between 2004 to 2005. It is show that the number of students were increase. This in turn is caused by students unwilling to work and study. Additionally, reduced application rates because students are not willing to work and study. Such a case because the students do not want to work and at the same time want to learn. For them, its hard to juggle work and study. That is why students need applying for study loans to continue their education. Thirdly, the year 2006, it is show the number of students is remain constant. This caused economic downturn. Parents retrenched and need money for other purposes. Thing like that, too, who had to apply for a loan cause students to continue studying. Such a case, can help students who need the money to continue his studies and purchase the study. In a nutshell, based on the chart show that many reason in application for study loans. Beside that, parents do not have the means and other factors also the reasons for applying for study loans for students who require.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Balancing Test in UK Law

Balancing Test in UK Law The Ultimate Balancing Test This chapter will consider how the UK courts must find a balance between the competing Convention rights of Article 8 and Article 10. In the context of their relationship between the privacy of such individuals and the press, as these two essential and fundamental rights frequently come into conflict and must be analysed and balanced against each other. Whilst referring to the ultimate balance as recognised in Strasbourg courts and how it has aided in developing the ultimate balance in UK courts. As such, both rights start off as equal, this can be reflected, for example, in Resolution 1165 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 1998, where paragraph 11 specifically mentions that, The Assembly reaffirms the importance of every persons right to privacy, and the right to freedom of expression, as fundamental to a democratic society. These rights are neither absolute nor in any hierarchical order, since they are of equal value in a democratic society.[1] The conflicting rights As can be seen by the evidence presented in the previous chapters, the balance between the right to privacy and freedom of expression is one which has influenced much debate, in Strasbourg and in the UK, and as such, they are often found competing against one another, even though they are of equal value. Incorporated within the debate is the view that both rights are completely contradicting, as privacy is strongly founded upon secrecy whilst expression most always involves exposure, thus this is when friction will almost always be formed between the two Convention rights. Consequently, the friction created by these rights are central to the conflict the courts have been facing, following the incorporation of the HRA and ECHR, much of this friction was formed with the conflicting rights of Article 8 and 10 at the very core. These rights at first glance appear to stand independent, although the expectation of these rights can however become apparent, thus creating the issue of why the right to privacy and freedom of expression are often in conflict. Furthermore, these two rights have arguably been fought most by two parties, the first party, uses Article 8 which gives a person right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.[2] Phillipson identifies that any individual has a right as a human being to have control over what information a person chooses to disclose to another, and that when the government or the media acquire information without your consent, and publish the information, it violates a persons fundamental right to control such information about themselves.[3] Therefore, it makes sense that the second party whom fights for their rights conveyed in Article 10 are most commonly the media, this right states that Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.[ 4] This right includes the freedom to receive and communicate information, thus it would make sense that the second party that fights for their rights are the media as the media focus highly on communicating information to the public, as such, they are quite commonly known as being the public watch dog. [5] Hence, it could be said that the media are therefore obligated to publish what they believe the public want to know, and it is there that the conflict between the right to privacy and freedom of expression arise; when the media publish information that a person or persons wanted to keep private. [6] Harris has expressed the opinion that the balance between the two rights is a grey area in law, and that there will always be tension between the two, however, it needs to remain that way to differentiate between definitively private information and information that some may see as private, but instead may be important to be covered by freedom of expression.[7] It has been stated by Lord Goff that freedom of expression has existed in this country perhaps as long, if not longer, than it has existed in any other country in the world as such, this statement was maintained by Lord Hoffman when he mentioned that A right of privacy may be a legitimate exception to freedom of speech (but) there is no question of balancing freedom of speech against other interests. It is a trump card which always wins.[8] These statements highlight that there once was a strong preference in the courts in favour of freedom of expression. While there is no contrary public interest recognised and protected by the law, the press are free to publish anything they like. Although, when freedom of expression comes into conflict with another interest protected by law, the question of whether there is a sufficient public interest in the publication to justify limitation of the conflicting right comes into play. However, there is, and will always be a strong desire to know the truth, with many agreeing that freedom of expression is fundamental towards a healthy democracy. Although, this freedom can be essential, it can however, come with responsibilities that the media will often disregard. Thus, the right to freedom of expression stops when it infringes on the privacy of those involved unless, by keeping such things private, would cause a concern for society, as such public interest. Yet, the issues of which stories are of public interest is a rather grey area in the UK, partly because the divergence between what the public has a right to know and what the public desires to know. In theory, it can be said that everyone is entitled to both right; right to privacy and right to freedom of expression, as far as they do not infringe on anyone elses rights. Though, this is quite frankly impossible, and as such can only be done by balancing the two rights. The balancing of the two competing rights English courts have been influenced by the balance recognised in the Strasbourg courts, and have attempted to reconcile the fundamental underlying values advanced by the right to privacy and freedom of expression through such legal frameworks, as such the balancing of these two competing rights are clearly demonstrated in countless cases. In executing the ultimate balancing test, the courts consider the claimants right to privacy as expressed in Article 8 of the ECHR, which provides that everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.[9] Equally, the content of the publishers freedom of expressions rights is established from Article 10 of the ECHR, which safeguards the freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.[10] With both rights being qualified, they may be restricted under paragraph two, provided that the interference is prescribe d by the law, and pursues a legitimate aim and what should be well known by now, is that it is necessary in a democratic society and is proportionate response to the aim pursued. The balance as recognised in Strasbourg Privacy actions involve the conflict of two rights, most commonly, freedom of expression. The Article 10 jurisprudence discloses that, even though freedom of expression constitutes once of the essential foundations of a democratic society, a hierarchy of various types of expression have been developed by the ECtHR, which can be recognised in the previous chapter. These can be political speech, artistic expression and commercial expression,[11] as such this is where the conflict begins. The conflict could begin with Article 8, in regards that the State has failed to appropriately protect the applicants right to privacy or it could begin with Article 10, in regards to whether the State has infringed the applicants right to freedom of expression by imposing sanctions aimed at protecting a persons right to privacy.[12] Thus, courts must consider the conflicting rights on the presumption that both Articles are of equal value, rather than considering that the conflicting right is an excep tion to the principal right, as such the Convention ensures that any restriction that is places on either right is closely scrutinised and a balance is achieved between them. The cases before Von Hannover did not endorse the methods of balancing Article 8 and 10, however, following on from this caseit can be recognised that neither Article takes precedence over one another. In the first Von Hannover case, as stated in the previous chapter the court had held that Princess Carolines Article 8 rights had been infringed by the publication of photographs showing her with her children and with her husband. She brought several actions in Germany for an injunction to prevent further publications of the various photographs that were taken, the court however stated that the matter was an event in contemporary society and of general interest to the public. Princess Caroline argued that none of the photographs, regardless of the articles that followed with them debated to such public interest in a democratic society, but were there only to satisfy the curiosity of such a reader. As such, this is important as an individual will be more easily able to establish a reasonable expectation of privacy than say an individual in the public eye. Although, in Von Hannover (No.2)[13]this case involved the publication of a photograph of Princess Caroline and her husband during a skiing holiday, to illustrate the ill health of her father, Monacos Head of State. The Court maintained the position that whilst a private individual unknown to the public may claim particular protection of his or her right to private life, the same is not true of public figures[14] Although, they did modify it definition of public figures to also include persons whom could just be simply well known to the public. Consequently, in line with the courts findings, the press could legitimately report on how the Princes children prepared to accept family duties during the time of the Princes illness, such as going on skiing holiday. In the view of the court, the photos in question, considered in the light of the accompanying articles, did contribute, at least to some degree, to a debate of general interest.[15] Additionally, the photographs themselves were n ot offensive to the extent that their prohibition was justified.[16] The court in this case, emphasised that both Articles are of equal value and the margin of appreciation should be the same in both cases, and as such, they saw fit to develop criteria which other states should follow when considering how to develop a balance between the two rights, these being: Whether the information contributes to a debate of general interest How well known the person concerned is and the subject matter of the report The prior conduct of the individual concerned Content, form and consequences of the publication; and The circumstances in which the photos were taken When applying, the criteria set out above, in the second case, the Court had found that Germany has changed its approach to privacy considering the first Von Hannover judgement, in regards to mentioning that a public interest in being entertained generally was less important than an individuals right to privacy. As such, the courts attempted to narrow the focus when attempting to balance the two equal but competing rights of privacy and freedom of expression. The balancing test as recognised by UK courts Decisions are necessarily fact or case sensitive, given that the Court is required to balance the fundamental rights (right to privacy and freedom of expression) which are often in conflict, the general approach which should be adopted and the principles which apply to these competing rights are now well-established. This main reason for this is that the law is Strasbourg-led. Although the rights do have conflicting aims, their aim was not to confuse the courts in making their rulings but to create a difference between everyones right to privacy whilst allowing them certain freedoms. The approach towards balancing these competing rights will be clearly demonstrated in countless cases. Firstly, it should be mentioned that, Section 12(4) of the HRA enjoins domestic courts to have particular regard to the importance of the Convention right to freedom of expression when they are considering whether to grant relief. Which may indicate that Article 10 is given priority when balancing it against others rights, such as privacy, however, the courts understand that such an interpretation would result in a conflict between Article 8 and 10, thus lacking with the consistency with the Convention rights. Consequently, the case of Douglas v Hello! Ltd,[17] Lord Justice Sedley, recognised that in order to achieve such compatibility with the Convention, when balance the two rights, courts would have to treat the two rights as having equal value, The European Court of Human Rights has always recognised the high importance of free media of communication in a democracy, but its jurisprudence does not and could not consistently with the Convention itself give Article 10(1) the presumptive priority which is given. [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] Everything will ultimately depend on the proper balance between privacy and publicity in the situation facing the court.[18] The Campbell case refined this balancing test, as the House of Lords were face with conflict between privacy and freedom of expression when a tabloid took and published photographs of a supermodel as she exited a Narcotics Anonymous meeting the house was divided in the result with a narrow 3 -2 majority deciding that her privacy rights ought to prevail over freedom of expression in the circumstances of this case. The House of Lords considered what type of information was regarded as confidential and stated that there must be some interest of a private nature that a claimant wished to protect and that the test is whether a person place in similar circumstances would find the disclosure offensive. [19] Fenwick and Phillipson have termed this approach to proportionality, the parallel analysis as it requires the court to consider whether the justifications in favour of protecting speech support the limit on privacy and then to consider, whether the justification in favour of privacy sup port the limit proposed on freedom of expression.[20] Without this parallel analysis, there is a danger that one right would prevail. However, the courts have been conducting various tests to determine the privacy of such certain information, long before Campbell founded the balancing exercise which the UK courts now use. Formerly, a limited right of privacy was established in the case of Coco v AN Clark Engineers Ltd[21] which came under the already established right of breach of confidence. The above approach in Campbell has subsequently been endorsed, and as such, it has been established in the UK that not one Article is supposed to take superiority over the other, as Lord Steyn summarised in the case of Re S (A Child),[22] First, neither article has precedence as such over the other. Secondly the values under the two articles are in conflict, an intense focus on the comparative importance of the specific rights being claimed in the individual case is necessary. Thirdly, the justification for interfering with each right must be taken into account. Finally, the proportionality test must be applied to each. For convenience I will call this the ultimate balancing test.[23] The approach towards balancing these competing rights can be clearly demonstrated in countless cases in the UK courts and through Strasbourg, which become more apparent when the extent of which public interest exists for the disclosure of private information. The case law produced after the introduction of the HRA is ever expanding, with recent concerns coming to light over the issue that the courts have developed a law of privacy and made the necessary balance between the two rights in each case, rather than the Parliament. [24] Thus, these following cases explore the progressively divergent approaches the courts have taken in interpreting and applying the legal tests that have been established. How the courts use the balancing test The decisions made in the cases of Campbell, Douglas and Von Hannover are considered landmark with the considerations that have occurred in the area of privacy over the years. As these cases strengthened the recognition of privacy and re-defined the notion of public interest to exclude mere curiosity and unhealthy interest in individuals lives.[25] It is however, what was decided in these cases that have influenced the way court approach cases that concern balancing the right to privacy with freedom of expression. Consequently, the courts must now balance the two conflicting interests by applying the principles mentioned above to the facts of the case, whilst considering the legitimacy of the expectation of privacy, the level of intrusion and the importance of any public interest in publication. Which allows for the UK courts to mirror the principles that have been laid down by the ECHR and ensure that any interference with privacy and freedom of expression are necessary and proporti onate.[26] Prior to the introduction of the HRA, the right to privacy was relatively underdeveloped, however, much has changed as it can be said that the protection of private lives and private information is one of the fastest-developing areas of the law as judges use the Human Rights Act [27] An early case of the balancing act after the introduction of the HRA was in A v B[28], where the Court held that a claimants public profile generates legitimate public interest in his or her personal life, which strengthens the medias freedom of expression claims. As such, A v B defined public figures as all those who play a role in public life, surrounding all persons in the political, social, economic and artistic world.[29] The Court held that the media have elevated freedom of expression claims when reporting on public figures, the court further mentioned that; A public figure is entitled to a private life. The individual, however, should recognise that because of his public position he must expect and accept that his actions will be more closely scrutinised by the media. Even trivial facts relating to a public figure can be of great interest to readers and other observers of the media.[30] This case suggested that the public interest in such publications extends to private information about various public figures to which can be of curiosity to the public interest. Though, the courts can have very different views on the approach to the balancing of competing rights. For example, in the case of Mosley v News Group Newspapers[31], where the court determined that the right of the claimant was protected by Article 8. In this case, the defendant published a story with the title F1 BOSS HAS SICK NAZI ORGY WITH 5 HOOKERS which was accompanied with pictures, and had been made available on their website with an added video, which concerned Mosley and five other women engaged in sadomasochistic sexual activities and role play.[32] The article involved suggested that these sessions had a Nazi theme and that the role playing had mocked the way that Holocaust victims had been treated whilst in concentration camps. The footage of the session was recorded by one of the women by a hid den camera that was supplied by NGN. As mentioned earlier, when these two rights are in conflict, the court will not give an automatic trump statute on one right over the other. Therefore, the court had the difficult task of balancing the interests of Mosleys right to privacy with the interests of NGNs right to freedom of expression. The court decided that since they could not find evidence to suggest that he mocked victims of the holocaust, there was no interest to the public. However, the court stated that if they had published the story without the photographs and video, they would have allowed for freedom of expression to prevail over right to privacy. Thus, this case confirms that the courts are willing to protect an individuals right to privacy when freedom of expression is not justifiable. The court of Appeal in the case of Murray v Express Newspapers[33]followed in the steps of Von Hannover in holding that routine activities carried out in public could arguably attract a reasonable expectation of privacy. Whilst holding that leisure activities, such as a cafà © expedition could be characterised as part a persons private recreation time.[34] Although the Court failed to define what types of activities would qualify as recreation time and instead stated that the enquiry is highly contextual. As such, the Court further stated given that the publicity of such activities would adversely affect family recreation time in the future, the Court held that the claimant had a reasonable expectation of privacy. The way this case was approached by the Courts signals that a potential separation from the decision that was laid out in Campbell, where it was held that privacy law did not protect innocuous public activities.[35] In the case of Weller, Judge Dingemans did not expressly address the strain between the Von Hannover and A v B plc, which offered little to clarification if the UK courts approach to public figures under the misuse of private information. However, in approaching the balancing test, Judge Dingemans adopted the Von Hannover conception of a debate of general interest,[36] he considered that the photographs did not contribute to a debate of public interest, despite the considerable public profile of the childrens parents. As such, given that the photographs would have satisfied the public interest definition in A v B, given that there is a strong curiosity in Wellers family life, and as such Weller employed a more confined definition of general interest in line with the ECtHR. Although, Dingemans concern for the consequences of prohibiting the publication on the newspaper industry, suggests that the Court doesnt fully adopt the approach set out in Von Hannover. However, Dingemans stated that the photographs in question should be given freedom of expression weight as the is a public interest in having a thriving and vigorous newspaper industry [37] and the ability to publish such things due to public interest was considered important to the commercial wellbeing of the media, as previously stated the medias role is to act as a public watchdog. However, despite acknowledging the distinction in this argument, Dingemans considered that the medias interest did not outweigh the childrens right to privacy in the Wellers case.[38] The recent case and much anticipated case of PJS[39]where a famous figure won the right not to be publicly named in England and Wales over an alleged marital threesome, also known as a super injunction, despite his identity being known elsewhere.At first, the interim injunction was refused, however, the Court of Appeal allowed an appeal and restrained publication of the relevant names and such details.[40] Despite steps taken by PJSs solicitors to remove the story from the internet, despite their best endeavours, the court concluded that there remains a significant body of internet material identifying those involved by name.[41] Thus, NGN applied to Court of Appeal to then set aside the injunction as the information was already in the public domain and the injunction was no longer fulfilling its purpose, and interfered unjustly with their Article 10 rights of freedom of expression.[42] However, the Supreme Court reinstated the injunction saying that without a proven public interest in the content, there is no free-standing public interest in publication. The court cant sanction for one media outlet what it believes, on balance, will be deemed unlawful at trial, even if others have published the material already. As such, Mance mentioned; For present purposes, any public interest in publishing such criticism [of PJS] must, in the absence of any other, legally recognised, public interest, be effectively disregarded in any balancing exercise and is incapable by itself of outweighing such article 8 privacy rights as the appellant [PJS] enjoys. (Emphasis added)[43] Rea argues that this case points out the dilemma courts face daily, especially in the digital age, as such media on the interest cannot be controlled as largely as print or television media.As such these cases illustrate the balancing test in action, and how to courts use that to prevent one right from prevailing the other. References Thompson K, Balancing Privacy and Free Speech: A Critique Of English Privacy Law Under The Human Rights Act (MJur, Durham Law School 2013)> Horsey K and Rackley E, Kidners Casebook Of Torts (12th edn, Oxford University Press 2015) British Broadcasting Corporation, The Public Interest, The Media And Privacy (BBC 2002) accessed 16 February 2017 Harris C, Charlotte Harris: Freedom Of Speech And Privacy Are Naturally At Odds With Each Other. Can You Balance Freedom Of Speech And Privacy? (Mishcon Graduates, 2017) accessed 23 February 2017 Tibbetts G, Max Mosley Admits Passion For Sadomasochistic Sex (, 2008) accessed 26 February 2017 Phillipson G, Why Should We Have A Right To Privacy? (BBC Religion Ethics, 2013) accessed 21 February 2017 Dyer C, Celebrities To Clarify Privacy Law (the Guardian, 2006) accessed 24 February 2017 [1] Kirsty Horsey and Ericka Rackley, Kidners Casebook Of Torts (12th edn, Oxford University Press 2015) at para 138. [2] The Human Rights Act 1998, art. 8 (1). [3] Gavin Phillipson, Why Should We Have A Right To Privacy? (BBC Religion Ethics, 2013) accessed 21 February 2017. [4] The Human Rights Act 1998, art. 10 (1). [5] Thorgeirson v Iceland [1992]14 EHRR 843 at para 63. [6] British Broadcasting Corporation, The Public Interest, The Media And Privacy (BBC 2002) 19-20 accessed 16 February 2017. [7] Charlotte Harris, Charlotte Harris: Freedom Of Speech And Privacy Are Naturally At Odds With Each Other. Can You Balance Freedom Of Speech And Privacy? (Mishcon Graduates, 2017) accessed 23 February 2017. [8] R v Central Independent Television plc [1994] Fam 192 at 203. [9] The Human Rights Act 1998, art. 8 (1). [10] The Human Rights Act 1998, art. 10 (1).

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Human Diversity In A Counselling Environment Sociology Essay

The Human Diversity In A Counselling Environment Sociology Essay In todays society the concept of both identity and human diversity have become both an integral and important aspect of peoples daily lives. In the case of a counsellors role, where a mutually trusting therapeutic environment is conducive to the success of any outcomes of therapy, it has become paramount for todays professional counsellor to acknowledge and address these issues when entering into any therapeutic relationship with clients. With global migration easily available to many individuals, the World has become a profoundly multicultural, multiethnic and multinational place, with many millions of people moving to live within new cultures. As a result it is estimated that one in every 35 people is such an international immigrant. (Lago, 2011) Such a change in the demographics of potential clients for any counsellor/psychotherapist today has resulted in a high probability that they will come in to contact with individuals of differing race, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs,  political beliefs or other ideologies. The issues regarding identity is invariably complex and can be continually changing (Kettle, 2004) and needs to be successfully navigated by the counsellor to ensure a mutually respectful relationship is created between them and the client in order for any therapeutically beneficial outcome to be achieved. If these identity issues are not addressed the effect could be very harmful and detrimental to any potential relationship due to the dynamics of power and control between the client and counsellor (McKenzie, 1986; Lago, 2011). This essay will describe the key issues of what it is that gives us our identity and what it means to be diverse. A simple definition for diversity can be given as being very different (, 2012). It can however, be argued that it is much more than that. It is having an understanding that each individual person is unique and recognising those individual differences. For a counsellor and their client it is the exploration  of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment.  It is about understanding each other and moving beyond  simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the  rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual and discovering how they may affect both the counsellor and client in developing a healthy working relationship. The advent of Rogers third force of psychotherapy, the client centred approach in the 1960s, introduced the idea that the client should be both the focus and at the very centre of the therapeutic session (Rogers, 1957). This soon led to the concept that an acceptance of a clients identity and culture is paramount to these aims being met. The term the culturally encapsulated counsellor was introduced by Wrenn (1962) to critique a universalistic approach to counselling which soon came to be known as multicultural counselling, which today is regarded by many therapists as the fourth force in psychotherapy/counselling. Multicultural counselling is what takes place when a counsellor and their client are from differing cultural groups. Cultural identity itself however is not simply defined by the colour of a persons skin or the geographical location or even their ethnicity, it can encompass a multitude of factors. Gender, religious beliefs, social economic status, sexual orientation are all identity factors that a culturally encapsulated counsellor needs to be aware of, not only from the clients perspective but also to have a good self awareness of their own cultural identity. (Middleton, et al., 2011) The issue of race and ethnic identity comprises of several factors which include an understanding of more than just what it is to black or white. A sense of identification with what whiteness means as compared to being part of a racial/ethnic minority group, including the importance of the difference between race and culture itself is critical to becoming an effect multicultural counsellor. It is vital that counsellors do not assume, for example, that all blacks or all Asians have similar cultural backgrounds. There are various ethnic identifications that exist within each of these racial groups such as language, religion, or gender roles and whilst it is true many of these ethnic groups share the physical characteristics of race, they may not necessarily share the same value and belief  structures (Katz, 1985). Some examples of these ethnic identifications can be seen in the cultural value system of many black Africans, where a great value is placed on the concept of family, especially their  children, who are seen as a  gift from  God. There is a great emphasis on their sense of community and their place in it. Personal wellbeing becomes secondary to that of social conflict resolution, which is seen as more important, to ensure peace and equilibrium within the community. Another example can be seen within the Chinese cultural environment, where passivity rather than assertiveness is revered. Quiescence rather than verbal articulation is seen as a sign of wisdom and there is the role of the all-knowing father that the Chinese respect for authority bestows on them (Ching and Prosen, 1980). The fact that traditional counselling therapies have been developed upon the research with predominantly middle classed white men indicates a propensity towards gender bias within the profession. It has even been reported that some professional counsellors have evaluated female clients as less competent than male clients (Balkin, Schlosser and Levitt, 2009). Aspects of gender can be also affected by religious attitudes from both the counsellor and client, either of which may have more traditional beliefs about specific gender roles and behaviour. There are also certain individuals or groups who adhere to religious fundamentalism which should be taken into consideration, which places women in the more traditional roles other than those chosen by more modern contemporary women. These fundamentalists have been seen to exhibit strong sexist behaviour in regards to issues of gender (Balkin, Schlosser and Levitt, 2009). It is clear that religious identity has been shown play a pivotal role for both the client and the counsellor within the therapeutic process. It is suggested that highly religious people have a tendency to believe they have stronger moral attributes than those of non-religious people (Hunter, 2001 cited in Balkin, Schlosser and Levitt, 2009, p.420). In the case of a highly religious counsellor, such a bias could cause complications within the counselling environment in regards to issues such as homophobia, gender bias and racism. It could be argued that when faced with issues such as homosexuality, which is regarded as a sin in many conservative religions, it could give rise to problems with dealing with clients who fall into the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender group for the highly religious counsellor (Balkin, Schlosser and Levitt, 2009). A persons gender/sexual orientation could be argued as being one of the more complex identity issues, with its anonymity and invisibility being a large factor that can create problems for both counsellor and client. Despite a growing public awareness of gender identity with the acceptance of trans-identified celebrities on popular television such as Graham Norton and Gok Wan, there can be a certain amount of confusion for the counsellor when working with transgender clients as the distinction between gender and sexuality is prone to being misunderstood. (Hawley, 2011) Sexual orientation generally refers to a persons sexual object choice, as in whether we choose to have sex with male or with females. As a result the options are to be straight (heterosexual), gay (homosexual) or bisexual. For most people the determination of sexuality is dependent on the gender of the individuals, i.e.: male/female, male/male, and female/female. However for some this is more complex for what if your gender was unknown to you? For some, this issue goes beyond the physical sexuality of their bodies; it is subject to behaviours, social acceptance and/or belonging to specific groups to which their allocated sex consigns them. (Hawley, 2011) For the counsellor, it is important to be aware of the multiple possibilities that fall within gender/sexuality identification. Pre-judgement and bias is an all too easy mistake for the inexperienced counsellor to make about sexuality, with the arrival of a cross dressing client. Similarly the client themselves may be feeling terrified and in a state of bewilderment as to their own feelings, in such instances a open minded and understanding therapist would be considered a lifeline. (Hawley, 2011) In an effort to address the diversity of clients in the counselling environment, a number of models have been introduced to the counselling professional in an effort to provide adequate training in the areas of race, culture, ethnicity and other areas of diversity as key variables in understanding the representations of psychological distress in clients (Moodley, 2005). Sue, Arredondo and McDavis (1992) states that counsellors who practice without adequate training or competence when working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds are prone to practicing unethically and with potentially harmful actions, which borders on a violation of human rights. Sue and Sue (1990) identified three areas in which a culturally skilled counsellor could become proficient in multiculturalism. The first is the process of becoming aware of their own assumptions about human behaviour, values, biases, preconceived notions and personal limitations. Secondly, is the attempt to understand and share the worldview of their culturally different client with respect and appreciation and without imposing any negative judgments. Thirdly and finally, a culturally skilled counsellor is someone who actively develops and puts into practice appropriate, relevant and sensitive intervention strategies utilising skills when working with their diverse clients. However, since the publication and formal adoption by the American Counselling Association of the Sue, et al. (1982) multicultural counselling competencies (MCC) model, some researchers have noted that little empirical research has been carried out to evaluate the model itself (Chao, 2012). Patterson (1996) states that multicultural counselling is generic in nature and as such all counselling is multicultural. It is not hard to accept the uniqueness of each individual client when you consider the infinite number of combinations and permutations of identify. As such to try and develop a different counselling technique for each one would be an insurmountable task. There appears to be an emphasis on the difference in values between diverse cultures, but it should be acknowledged that so many of these different values are actually customs, lifestyles, habits, social norms and as such common to many different groups and even considered to be universally accepted values (Patterson, 1996). The success of the exsisiting models within counselling/psychotherapy should not be so easily abandoned in an attempt to become more culturally diverse. Any compromise of the westernised therapeutic psychological models should be limited as has been suggested through the intervention of a more multicultural approach when working with ethincally diverse clients, for diluting the process would surely lead to a less effective service being provided (Patterson, 1996) Sue Sue (1990) acknowledged that the core conditions such as unconditional positive regard, respect and accpetance of the individual, an empathic relationship of understanding the clients problem from their own perspective and allowing the client to explore their own core values and reach their own solutions are counselling qualities that may trancend culture. Rogers (1957) claimed that there are five basic qualities that all counsellors need to become an effective counsellor and as such create an effective therapeutic relationship. The nature of this relationship has been well established within the counselling environment and is the same, regardless of whatever cultural, ethnic, gender or social group a client belongs to. Having respect for clients, trusting them to make the right decisions, take responsibility for themselves. Genuiness, where the counsellor acts like a real person, not coming across as the all knowing expert or using a battery of techniques on the client. Empathic understanding for a client is more than simply having the knowledge of the group to which they belong. It is being able to use this knowledge to enter the clients world by invitation through self disclosure by the client, which is related to the degree of respect and genuiness displayed towards the client. (Rogers, 1957; Patterson, 1996) It is essential that communication of these qualities is perceived and felt by the client during the threapeutic process in order for them to be effective. The understanding of cultural differences in both verbal and non-verbal behaviours can overcome some of the difficulties encountered when dealing with culturally diverse clients. It can also be said that these qualities are not only essential for an effective counselling environment but also facilitate all interpersonal relationships. Being neither time-bound or culture-bound thay can encompass all issues of identity within the counselling environment. (Patterson, 1996)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Working on My Scholarship Essay :: Scholarship Essays

Working on My Scholarship Essay That fateful night I stayed up too late working on a scholarship essay. Worked up into a frenzy with all this paperwork, I faded in and out of the work I was doing. I stopped for a few minutes to rest my eyes and upon opening them I gazed into a face crowned by a laurel-leaf and wore philosophers robes. "What doest thou?" he asked in a thick Italian voice. I could not believe it. Who was this man who entered my room unannounced and demanded from me what I do? "What doest thou?" he asked again, more forcefully. "I...I'm writing a paper for a scholarship, sir." I added 'sir' unintentionally. "What needest thou with this scholarship application?" "I have two brothers who are going to college, one of whom will be returning to UTD next year to continue his education, and the other will be attending medical school." "Aye, but what need hast thou for 'scholarship'?" He rolled the words in a soft Florentine accent. "My brother who will be attending medical school will be living on campus and the expense of room and board along with tuition and the tuition of my other brother attending UTD puts a great strain on our family. I really need this scholarship." "'Tis true, I believe it. But for what purpose needest thou this scholarship?" "Well," I said a bit unnerved at this intruding interrogator, "I hope to receive a masters degree in Commercial Art and I hope to join an advertising or design company." "Aye, but what other duties hast thou outside of education?" "To begin with, every two weeks I feed the homeless with my church. We pack lunches for them and, rain or shine, we hand out the food and water.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

20th Century Liberalisms Philosophies are False :: essays research papers

During the 20th Century, liberalistic philosophers created countless numbers of false philosophies that many people practice today. Among those wrong ideologies are existentialism, secularism, pragmatism, and Freudianism. The first false ideology, existentialism, claims that there is no truth and believes that all man can do is take a ?leap of faith.? This ideology claims to ?resolve? all man?s problems and worries because ?nothing is true.? Because there is no truth, therefore, there would be no God and, therefore, there is no wrong in the world. This philosophy by Soren Kierkegaard, surely, brings disastrous results by believing there is no sin. The second false idea very popular in this world today is secularism, which believes that morality should be based upon the well being of mankind. At first, this ideology might seem reasonable. However, for example, if a robber steals money from a bank but contributes to the well being of mankind by giving the money to the poor, stealing would be considered moral because it benefited people right? Of course not! Just like existentialism, secularism gives people the right to do wrong by involving others. The third deceptive philosophy, by William James, is pragmatism. A pragmatist believes that only the results of an idea or action judge whether the action is moral or not. One can decipher that this ideology is wrong by thinking of an example. For example, if a student can only have a vacation if he receives A?s, according to this philosophy, he can cheat on tests and quizzes in order to receive an A to take a vacation. The last false ideology is Freudianism, better known as psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis claims that subconscious physical drives or irrational fears determine a man?s actions. It also believes that if someone?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Middle School Essay

So I am not really ready for middle school and btw my name is Aniah Stitt and I am leaving the 5th grade from Reedy Creek Elementary. I am really scared because I was supposed to go to a school called Northridge Middle and that is a really bad school! People say they have bad kids and that is true but every school has bad kids and all of my friends are going there and I have no friends from my school going to my new school(well my friend Sharifa, Mackenzie, and this boy named Justin)and its really hard. The thing is I have friends in the 7th, and 8th but I  won’t be with them. I know what I am wearing but I don’t have my whole day planed out and do we have to wear book bags and btw we don’t get lockers till 8th grade and it has to be a privilege! And I forgot to tell you I am going to Randolph Middle and it will be so hard because it’s an IB school and I decided to write about my junior high life. Welcome!!!!! and it will be a long year I can already tell. Ok, first things first I am in Ms. Pfahler’s Homeroom and my math teacher is Mr. Dunn and Science and Social Studies is Mrs. Mitchell. People say I have the good teachers because I am in the building but I say I also have the boring ones, but I officially don’t know yet, so I guess I have to wait and find out. My school starts at †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. And ends at †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.! We also have to do community service for 10 hrs! but I did 36 because of operation charlotte at Hickory Grove Baptist Church (HGBC) and I like basically do everything there and they have a school that I wanted to go to HGCBS (hickory grove baptist) well get comfortable for a year of sixth grade at Randolph Middle!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Precarious Condition of Primary Education Essay

The status of the primary education given in the ZP run schools of the backward districts of Dhule & Nandurbar is a big mess & the administrators of both the Zilla Parishads are seem to be at their wits end because of the irresponsible teachers, & negligent staff. The trouble is doubled recently because of the increasing number of drunkard teachers who hardly attend the school & whenever they turn up they come up in dead drunk state. There have been incidences where the frustrated villagers have locked up the school after seeing that the deputed teachers don’t attend the school for weeks, & if at all they attend the school turn by turn. The headmasters, the teachers & the staff of the schools are hand in gloves in the conspiracy of absence from the school & whenever the authorities pay a surprise visit they try to cover up the matter. The CEO of Dhule ZP, Deependrasingh Kushwah last week suspended the headmasters of two schools & issued show cause notices to the staff teachers of two schools on account of the serious discrepancies in the number of students dubiously enrolled & the actual number of the students in these schools. Many schools in the mountain area of these districts are single teacher schools because the staff appointed never joins the duty & if at all join it is only on the paper. The teachers use their political connections & also grease the palms of the responsible officers to cancel their transfers to unwanted places in the hilly terrains of Shirpur, Dhadgaon, Taloda, Akkalkuwa, Shahada Tehsils of Dhule & Nandurbar districts. The level of the education & the training of the teachers amongst the ZP run schools is another problem & one doubts if the teachers have really complied the eligibility criterion for the appointment as a teacher. Sometime back when he was a CEO of ZP Dhule, Purushottam Bhapkar inspected some of the ZP run schools & was surprised to see that the teachers could not spell the simple word †Week†, they could not write correctly the spellings of the weekdays, many could not count beyond 100 & were unable to remember the tables beyond 10. The increasing number of alcohol addicted teachers in ZP school is another menace in these schools these days & in a recent Nandurbar ZP meeting the sitting standing committee member & Nandurbar District BJP president Nagesh Padwi raised this serious issue & appealed the administration & the standing committee chairman Jipalsingh Rawal to take serious action against the teachers found drunk in the school. Such is the peril of the incidences of drunken teachers attending the school that the demand of keeping alcohol test kit in ZP schools is tabled in this meeting by the members. Nandurbar ZP has decided to go for Dress Code for the teachers in ZP school so that the misbehaving teacher could be noticed. There is a demand from the villagers & the parents of the students where these schools are, to keep a biometric instrument which will keep the record of the attendance of the teachers & staff so that the defaulters could be brought to books. The members of the standing committee also pointed out in this meeting that there are many schools running in the district only on paper & the authorities also have a record of such schools but because of the political influence, interference no action is taken on the teachers & the staff involved. The members of ZP, the administration claim that it is the teachers & staff of the school having the backing from the political leaders of the districts, is responsible for the rack & ruin of the education in these schools. Overall the situation of the primary education & the ambitious Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Scheme of the government in ZP run schools of Dhule & Nandurbar Districts is really a weltering one. ———————————————————————————————-

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Twilight Saga 5: Midnight Sun 26. Awakening

The constant drone of the machines continued to echo through my psyche as the evening street lights casted shadows through the hospital room. Rene refused to leave Bella's side for any period of time. I let her have my seat next to Bella but continued to stay in the room, sitting in the corner quietly listening to Rene's thoughts whirl through her child like mind. She was unlike Bella in every way; she even sensed danger when it came to the Cullen's, unlike Bella. My poor baby†¦what time is it? She looked towards the clock. Eleven. Charlie should be here shortly. I'm going to have to have a talk with him. Her thoughts then became a little disjointed in anger as she thought of her daughter falling down two sets of stairs because she had run away from Forks. Forks, she scoffed internally. I knew this wasn't a good idea. I warned her. I told her she didn't have to leave. What kind of mother am I to condemn my child to a place like Forks? Ignoring her constant prattling, I continued to stare, fixated on Bella, waiting for her eyes to open, willing them to just flutter. I couldn't see the clock that was over my head, but I was counting every second as they passed. It was easy to keep track because my only focal point was Bella and how long she had been devoid of consciousness. It had now been exactly 39,982†¦83†¦84 seconds since we arrived at the hospital. Her heart thrummed evenly as her scent was beginning to slowly return to her. The sweet nectar that was her life filled the room with the delicious aroma. Craving the sweetness, I brought the scent into my lungs, letting my throat burst into flames. It was only two hours ago that she finished her second blood transfusion and I was afraid her scent would forever be a pitiful imitation of the luscious blood pulsating through her body. It felt like my body was undergoing physical suffering owing to her condition. Her blood deficient was because of me; a creature so monstrous that I preyed on this innocent creature by allowing her to become a part of my life. More than that, she was my life. My phone lightly vibrated in my jeans pocket ?Cdistracting me from my internal torment – and I pulled it out to read a message from Alice. Just picked Charlie up from the airport. Will be there in fourteen minutes. Snapping my phone shut, I got up to move to Bella's other side. With her mother here, I kept my distance, not wanting to over step my bounds with a parental authority that I so recently met†¦and especially under these circumstances. â€Å"Charlie will be here shortly. Carlisle and Alice just picked him up from the airport,† I said lightly. It's about time. â€Å"That's good,† her eyes never left Bella's face. For over an hour before now I was struggling to come over and talk with Rene. I wanted to flush out a good story to tell her about why we were here in the first place. She got the gist of the story from the doctor about her going through a window after falling down two flights of stairs, but that was all. â€Å"Mrs. Dwyer,† I began. Such a gentleman†¦Mrs. Dwyer. Her penetrating gaze moved from Bella's face to mine. Her eyes widened a little at my appearance. It always caught humans off guard, the little indications they didn't comprehend, no matter how many times they'd seen one of us before. She studied my face for only a brief second before she saw the grief that was displayed squarely on my face. Ignoring her senses she brought her thoughts to my expression. He really cares for her. He looks like he is going to cry. â€Å"Rene,† she corrected me. â€Å"Yes, of course, Rene. I wanted to apologize for this whole incident,† I used my smoothest voice to ease her stress, one I retained for not alarming humans. â€Å"This isn't your fault†¦,† she began, but her thoughts caught up to her mouth. What was he doing down here anyways? He didn't†¦follow her did he? He's not a stalker†¦is he? She tried to smile politely but even without her thoughts as a guide I could have guessed what she was currently thinking. Her thoughts weren't far off base. I was her vampire stalker, watching her sleep every night. I continued, not wanting to think that once she recovered, this would be the end†¦no more stealthily hiding in her room. â€Å"Yes, it is my fault. I really care about your daughter, so please understand that I want the best for her†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Why are you here?† She blurted out. â€Å"When I brought her home after playing baseball with my family she became upset. She really misses Arizona and after I confessed my feelings for her she became angry.† The memory of her yelling at me flashed through my mind. Though she was acting, it burned to hear her say goodbye and slam the door in my face which is ultimately my worst fear. His feelings? Hum, I wonder how much he actually cares for her†¦I hope her actions aren't because of me†¦my past†¦because of my fear of her staying in Forks. Nope, not his fault†¦mine, all mine. She stared at me with her eyes filling with the sorrow of her thoughts, so I went on, trying to distract her from her mental images. It was entirely my fault, not hers. â€Å"When I found out she had run off to Arizona†¦from a call she made to Alice, I had to fix it. Carlisle and Alice came with me to try and convince her to come back to Forks; that we all loved and missed her.† We all love her? Their relationship is a little more intense than I realized. Rene speculated. â€Å"She agreed to meet us at our hotel room but she never made it. Carlisle was actually in the hallway getting ice when he heard a loud crash. Alice and I heard it also,† The look on my face showed pure agony at the thought, though this wasn't acting, this was how I truly felt. â€Å"It was Bella; she had tripped and gone through a window. We rushed to get Carlisle but he was already there. All three of us helped stop the bleeding and get her to the hospital.† Poor child. He must have been scared out of his mind. Rene reached over to place her hand over mine. â€Å"Thank you for saving her.† â€Å"Thank Carlisle. He's the doctor,† â€Å"Yes, but without you, he might not of been able to stop the bleeding in time,† a tear slid down her face and the white blanket covering Bella now had a wet spot from the droplet. Edward, we're here. Alice called out to me through her mind. I have to warn you, he's not happy. You might want to get out of there before†¦ The door to the room flew open as Charlie came marching in, livid. His face was so screwed up in anger that all the blood had rushed to his face, covering it purple, like a radish with a sun burn. â€Å"This is all your fault,† he pointed a finger at my chest, coming closer and closer. I backed away from him, â€Å"I'm sorry.† It was a pathetic attempt, but it was all I could think to say with him advancing on me. I nearly knocked over my tray of food; nothing more than a prop, really, but my mind was in such anguish that I wasn't paying attention. No, this is my fault, Rene thought while stepping in between us. She placed her hands on Charlie's chest and began to push him towards the door. â€Å"Mr. Swan, I†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I began. Rene interjected. â€Å"Charlie, that's enough. Let's talk outside,† she commanded sternly. â€Å"You won't ever see my daughter again. Do you understand?† Charlie continued to shout at me as Rene continued to heave against him until he was outside of the door. His threat was unnecessary because I had to leave her to let her live a peaceful life without all the peril. I backed slowly into the corner, sitting down on the chair again. Bella's breath had picked up slightly; the tempo of her heart increasing, like she could sense the tension in the room. Watching her small chest lightly rise and fall with each breath, seeing the blood flow seamlessly through her translucent skin, listening to her heart which was echoed perfectly with the monitor all just emphasized how delicate and precious she really was. I had to save her from the nightmarish creature I feared and loathed that finally made it to the surface when I tasted the rich flavor of her blood. I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough discipline left to be around her forever. Would all my efforts fail? Pushing my ever growing thoughts of leaving from my mind ?C fighting tooth and nail against what I didn't want to be – I opened my mind to the conversation that was now being shouted in the hall. Listening in on their conversation wasn't difficult in the least. They were barely standing outside the door and with their raised voices it was loud enough that even the humans could hear it. â€Å"Charlie, calm down right this instance!† Rene yelled at him. â€Å"You left him in there with our daughter. She left because of him,† he growled furiously with the protective concern, emitting a possessive edge in his thoughts. I could witness his livid expression through Rene's human eyes. Not the best vision, but it would work. He was right, though; she did leave because of me, because of the danger I placed her in. Looking at her limp form on the bed, her brown hair surrounding her glorious bruised face only brought more fear rippling and quivering through my still form. I was gasping at the air like I'd been suffocated. â€Å"No. She left because of me! If she wasn't so scared to fall in love in Forks than she wouldn't have run away in the first place. This is my fault, not his. If you want to blame someone, blame me,† she retorted. â€Å"You didn't hear the way she yelled at him.† I flinched at the memory, my nerves stretching tight ?C guitar strings, tensed to resonate at the gentlest of pressure. â€Å"She was so angry and upset,† his voice had lowered some, noticing all the attention on them. Charlie hated attention as much as Bella did. â€Å"Wait, did you say love?† Rene eyed the door automatically, picturing my tortured face in her mind. â€Å"Yes. I believe he loves her,† she murmured. â€Å"Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he stuttered. â€Å"That still doesn't matter!† â€Å"They were trying to help. You know our daughter, she is very clumsy. If it didn't happen now it probably would have happened in the future. It's better if it is when a qualified emergency room doctor is around,† Rene rubbed his shoulders. I could hear her impatience at her ex-husband. Dr. Jones was still on duty and over heard part of the conversation in the hall. Must be her father the way he was yelling. He walked towards them. â€Å"Hello, I'm Dr. Jones. I am the one who worked on your daughter this afternoon.† A nurse had followed behind him and entered the room. She began taking Bella's vitals, not even realizing I was sitting in the corner. Her thoughts concentrated on the information she was writing down on the chart. I continued to listen to the conversation outside the door. â€Å"Oh, hello, yes†¦I'm Charlie, her father. Dr. Cullen told me she was in a medically induced coma?† The light rhythmic movement of Bella's heart continued at a steadied beat, a little faster than when she was in a peaceful sleep. Again, I was counting the seconds. â€Å"Yes. She is healing nicely. Once her swelling goes down around her brain we will try and wake her, but it is strictly up to her body to decide when she is ready to awake from this coma,† he stated firmly, yet in a tone that would help ease his stress. â€Å"Yes. Of course. I understand,† Charlie rubbed his temples. â€Å"I'll leave you alone. Let you have some time with your daughter,† he murmured before walking away. â€Å"Thanks,† Charlie barely spoke. When the nurse swiveled around she finally saw me sitting there. Her heart jumped and began beating wildly. I didn't even see him sitting there. â€Å"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just leaving now,† she began to walk towards the door. Now that I think about it†¦ she glanced over her shoulder. He is hot! I might have to volunteer to come back in here tonight. She finally opened the door nearly knocking over Charlie who had reached for the door at the same time. Standing, I opened my mouth to apologize again. Charlie held up a hand. â€Å"No need.† Rene continued to stand in the hall, uncertain if she needed to enter or not, worried that Charlie might decide to release some more of his fury on me. â€Å"I'll leave you two alone,† I mumbled while walking out of the room. Rene turned to get dinner, taking deep breaths while her thoughts were grumbling in complaint at Charlie's behavior. And he's such a nice boy†¦I just don't understand. As soon as the door clicked shut Alice was at my side. I see he calmed down. He was in a white rage in the car on the way over here. I thought I was going to have to restrain him he was so angry. I nodded, not speaking. I was still burning from the pain. I know what you're planning. I ignored her. Curiosity continued to eat at her as she walked next to me down the hall which was rich with the scent of bleach and plastic. She looked at me inquisitively, wondering what I was thinking that was making the visions in her mind flash. My thoughts were burning, wishing I could know what was going through Bella's mind right now. Her mind was closed to me, and now her eyes were too, the one link I had left to her internal knowledge. Everything is going to be okay, I can see it. She tried to comfort me. Still, I continued to walk silently next to her. Bella's oddly deep brown eyes were fixated in my irises which were crimson with fresh human blood. My contacts were beginning to burn away. Before I could ask Alice, she had another box placed in her palm. Here, let's not give Charlie any reasons to hate you more. â€Å"Thanks,† I replied dully. If I thought going on a single hunting trip – leaving Bella behind, vulnerable – was excruciating, the next twelve hours were worse. The extreme and generally prolonged pain and mental suffering were the most constant of my torments. But, the most painful of my torments was Charlie's possessive nature over his daughter. With him here, I was basically kicked out of her room, Rene constantly apologizing for his poor behavior. During the afternoon hours Alice and Rene would converse about everything from style to yoga classes, even though Alice has no need for yoga. Though I sat there, listening to their conversations, they continued to become aware of how tightly wound I was, feeling the stress emanate out of me without the special gift that Jasper has. Edward, Alice called from her mind around two in the afternoon. Charlie is going back to Forks. The officers†¦well, he is the police force, they need him back. He already received that call and will be on a plane by five. This was the first decent news I had heard in days. Regardless, today would be a hard one. Harder than the day before because each second that I continued to count added to the time that her deep depths were closed, her mind locked up tighter than Fort Knox. Like Alice had predicted, Charlie came strolling around the corner to give us the news about his departure. He completely ignored me, but in his mind he was thinking daggers towards me. Daggers that would never pierce my cold, steel skin. Rene walked with Charlie out of the hospital, leaving Alice and I alone together. Let's go see Bella. Without answering her, I rose, walking quicker than human speed towards the room. Whenever Charlie wasn't taking up all of Bella's coma time, I was there, by her side. When I got the chance, I was holding her. Rene had stayed the night, and was planning on doing it again ?C something I wasn't terribly excited about. When we reached the door I opened it and was instantly hit with a spectacular scent wafting through the room. Each breath was full of fire which was also full of her life. I ignored the burning, pushed it in the back of my mind. There was a newspaper on her bedside table. I picked it up to the page that was left open. It was a story that covered the arson of a ballet studio and theft of a car that was left outside. Anger pulsed through me at the thought of James again, though I pushed it aside because another angry thought hit me. I wished that Rene hadn't known about this, because now she was too afraid to stay in her own home. My continuance of emotions ached for some kind of physical outlet, and yet the only outlet I had was now gone, dead. Not today†¦Alice murmured. She's not ready. My hopes plummeted at this news. She continued to watch the future which spun, twisted and became mangled again. I wish†¦ â€Å"This is obviously not the time to bring that up,† I barked. I was just going to say I wish she'd wake up soon, Alice's eyes were wide with innocence, and I didn't believe it for a second. Looking at her eyes, I saw the reflection of my own eyes which were an odd brown, muddy color. Momentarily it caught me off guard, forgetting I was wearing the contacts, even though they continued to obstruct my perfect vision. I stole my eyes away from her to bring them back to Bella's limp and lumpy form. Her eyes were closed lightly, as if she were very peaceful. Her hair glinted in the bright white light over her face. My remorse and the guilt burned with the thirst, and, if I had the ability to produce tears, they would have filled my eyes. Each second that I continued to count reminded me of the precious soul lying in the bed before us. She was so breakable, and I broke her, she was good and she didn't deserve my fate. My mind was bouncing around like a tennis ball, willing myself to stay away from her, to no longer let my life collide with hers†¦destroying it in the process. What have I done? As the hour passed my mind continually would titter on a line of right and wrong. First, my thoughts leaning one way, then the other. Alice was becoming irritated at my constant state of vivid flashes of the future which would crumble every time I changed my mind. Then, when I didn't think the burning could get worse, I imagined her waking up and kicking me out of her room. I had to remind myself that she had every right to hate me, to not trust me with her safety. That she should. Would you quit! Alice shouted from mind. You aren't going anywhere. I won't let you. Remember, you did save her life. Her thoughts were confusing and incomprehensible. Did I not place Bella in front of the danger that lurked around her until it struck? Wasn't this all my fault in the first place? Quickly, I decided that the best course of action was to ignore her thoughts. After an hour had passed Rene entered the room, her mind happily jumping from subject to subject. What books she liked, her favorite movies, how she painted Bella's new room in Florida. Each second, I counted†¦I angered even more†¦mostly at myself. I tried ignoring Bella once, letting her go and it didn't work. I remember thinking that there were other options besides her ultimate doom. Now that I am sitting at her bedside, where she was on the brink of death nearly twenty four hours ago, I realized that keeping her in the fragile state would inevitably destroy her. I had to leave. Not now, but after she recovered. I did this, I have to clean it up. I won't leave her here, broken, without help. I've had it! Alice stood up. â€Å"Rene, I'm sorry, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow.† So soon? Rene stared at me. But he's not good company. â€Å"I understand, dear. See you tomorrow.† Surely it had to be miserable being around me, but if they understood my frustrations, my ever growing war that was raging inside me, then they would leave me alone. I argued with myself as the evening hours progressed, afraid my less noble side would win the argument. To add to my ever growing torments, the silence emitting from Bella was torturing me. Night after night I watched over her, and she spoke, tossed, turned, and murmured some more. Not last night†¦and not tonight. The mystery that surrounded Bella continued to make my curiosity flare. The lure of her unprotected and unconsciously spoken thoughts were making me sick with regret. I should have stayed away and then tonight would have been like any other night when I went to visit her. I missed her murmurs, her spoken dreams and fears. The only sound from Bella was her light breathing, which had a little rattle from her bruised ribs and her steady heart beat. I shook my head in disgust at what I had done to her. Though she was bruised and tubes and wiring seemed to be coming from her every orifice, she was still beautiful. Her dark hair was tangled wildly around her pale face. As the night progressed into the early morning hours, Rene never kicked me out. Instead she slept resolutely with Bella's hand in hers. Jealousy raged inside me at her touch. I wanted it to be me holding her hand, lying with her, comforting her. It was foolishness to think that we belonged together, even though I could never imagine myself without her, or with anyone else. She deserved happiness and love with whomever she chose, yet she chose me†¦the cold inhuman creature that almost brought her to her death. Could a dead frozen heart break? I felt like mine was. In an instant, a memory flooded my troubled mind, making my mind teeter in yet another direction. That first evening I became the peeping tom†¦Bella, she was dreaming of me, mumbling my name. â€Å"Stay,† she sighed. â€Å"Don't go. Please†¦don't go.† That was the night she changed me, the rare and permanent thing that you could never give back. It was love, and no matter how many years pass, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, I would forever love this one girl. I gazed at her unconscious face, reminding myself of the love that had settled into every portion of my stone body that night. If I loved her though, then I was strong enough to leave her because that is what would be best. Loving her would not keep me from killing her, if I let myself make mistakes, like I did this week, she could be killed. Though, it would not be intentional, only a horrible accident. Obviously, I am capable of making mistakes. In only an half hour of speaking with her for the first time I slipped up twice. Deliberately, I took in a deep breath, letting her scent rip through me like wildfire. With each breath, I let it remind myself of the monster that was living deep inside me. Though he was gone, missing right now, I knew he was still there, sending waves of fire through my throat. Rene was sleeping soundly now, dreaming about a horseback riding class she had that was a little bizarre. Still, I continued to count the seconds as the sun rose over the mountainous horizon. I closed the vertical blinds so my skin wouldn't sparkle. Again, I felt my contacts disintegrate and had to replace them. In the bathroom, my eyes still were bright red with Bella's blood. Another reminder of the damage I inflicted upon her by being with her. I felt my pocket vibrate and reached in to grab my phone. It was nine in the morning. It had now almost been two days of a still, unmoving beauty lying in this bed, comatose. I read the message. Bella will awake at 913. Thought I'd give you the heads up so you could wake Rene so she could get her breakfast. It will give you time to be alone with Bella. A great relief spread over me at this news. The seconds I would no longer have to count because she would be awake, talking to me. Purposefully, I dropped my phone, the sound vibrated off the walls in the tiny room. Rene jumped to her feet. â€Å"What's going on? Where's Grace?† she mumbled, her face bewildered. I had to suppress a laugh. â€Å"Grace?† I asked. â€Å"Dream,† she muttered. That horse scares the living fire out of me! Again, my giddy state was hard to control. My lips twitched on the edges at the thought of her waking. â€Å"They are serving breakfast,† I offered. Oh course, he wants time alone with her. â€Å"Yes, breakfast sounds nice.† Rene left with one last glance over her shoulder before shutting the door. Curling up onto Bella's bed, I held her hand while watching the clock. The seconds were going by slower. The last minute before her awakening seemed to take twice†¦no three times as long. Each second that ticked by had my thoughts scattering in every direction. Now that I knew she would be awake soon, the thought of leaving her was inconceivable. I would always love this fragile human girl for the rest of my limitless existence. I gazed at her unconscious face, feeling this love for her settle into every portion of my cold steel body. If I wasn't strong enough to leave her maybe I was strong enough to construct a new future. She moaned while her eyes fluttered. Could a dead, frozen heart beat again? It felt like mine was about to.