Monday, January 6, 2020

Norms and Values Associated With the Sexual Orientation of the People Free Essay Example, 1000 words

This research tells that the norms determined by the theorists and authorities with regard to sexual freedom maintain that since sexuality concentrates upon the taste and preference of the individuals, and defines the innate as well as ascribed and learnt characteristics, no one should be forced to observe alterations in his sexual orientation out of threats or fears of persecutions at the hands of the state or society. The government or political authorities should devise the laws that could provide complete shelter to the individuals in respect of leading the life of their choice provided their activities are not having any interference into the life of other members of society. Sometimes, we as human beings may not enjoy the luxury of dictating our own sexuality, since, from the going, it is majorly shaped by external factors; the environment, our culture, religious beliefs among others. Byne is of the view that several factors interact in aligning an individual to a particular s exual orientation. Sometimes, being a society of laws, constitutions, and of course leaders (political and religious), we charge these higher bodies with providing us with directions and line if action. We will write a custom essay sample on Norms and Values Associated With the Sexual Orientation of the People or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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